Employing Staff...
Below are our articles on the subject of Employing Staff. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Finding Catering and Waiting Staff
When running a catering business the backbone of the company is its staff. You need to have reliable staff whether they are temporary staff or agency staff....

Hiring and Firing Catering Staff
The success of any company rests in the efficiency of its staff. Your staff are the face of the company and if they do not perform in an acceptable manor then business…...

Hiring Family to Help Your Business
When you start a business every penny is needed there is no time for mistakes and start up costs can be high. One way to keep your overheads down is to use family as…...

Staff on Loan
There may be times when your catering business is quiet and your staff members have nothing to do. Why not consider hiring out catering staff as a way for your…...

Training Catering and Waiting Staff
When you own a catering business it is imperative that all your staff know what they are expected to do when working for you, their work hours, their duties and their…...

Using a Recruitment Agency for Your Catering Staff
Understanding the pros and cons of using a recruitment agency to find catering staff for your catering business....